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The German air traffic controllers at Frankfurt are Infamous for being a short-tempered bunch. They expect you to know exactly where you are supposed to park the plane (and how to get there without any assistance). So when the following conversation between a British Airways 747 (call sign Speedbird 192) and the air traffic control was allegedly overheard, it rapidly became the stuff of aviation folklore.The story goes that the pilot of Speedbird 192 began with the usual greeting: 'Good morning Frankfurt, Speedbird 192, clear of the active.' To which, the German air traffic controllers replied equally politely: 'Guten Morgen, taxi to your gate.'

Freddy fazbears pizza game. So far, all is going smoothly. The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and suddenly stops. Noticed by the air traffic controllers, they enquired brusquely: 'Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?'The pilot replied: 'Standby ground, I'm looking up the gate location now.' At this, the air traffic controllers clearly became irritated and said: 'Speedbird 192, have you never been to Frankfurt before?' Coolly, the BA pilot responded: 'Yes, several times in 1944, but I didn't stop.'

We used this story as a kind of pithy introduction, because as 99.9 per cent of us will never fly into Frankfurt (or work for British Airways) we have no way of knowing if this story is actually true or not, but it just sounds too good not to be. And the same is true with most flight sims. Unless you are stupidly rich, you will probably never fly a Spitfire,Me 109 or any other vintage WWII aircraft. So when games companies state that 'this sim has the most realistic flight physics to date' we really have no way of knowing if the claims are actually true. All you can rely on is gut feel.

So, as WWII flight sims go, IL-2 Sturmovik just feels 'right'. From the outset, you've got an intro sequence that isn't some prerendered poxy avi, but a pseudo-authentic black-and-white trailer utilising the games engines. A developer has to be very confident in their game, or just have enormous gall. We'd hazard a guess that the Russian developers probably fall into the former category.

Wot No Yanks?

The most obvious thing that strikes you watching the intro is the total absence of RAF, USAF or Japanese planes. For this is a game set in a theatre of WWII that has been largely ignored by both Hollywood and the games industry alike: the Eastern Front (apart from Enemy At The Gate, but that was a British production). This mammoth struggle between Nazi Germany and Communist Russia was totally unlike any war previously fought. With 20 million Germans and over 30 million Russians losing their lives in the conflict from 1941 -45, it puts the 300,000 British and 320,000 American casualties in the shade. But from 1945 until Gorby and Glasnost, the USSR was the big bad enemy of the West, and so both history books and the media have to some extent marginalised them. But we digress.

Black ops free online game. So you've watched the intro with your joystick in hand, now what? Well, unless you are a serious propellerhead with gun camera footage in the VCR and a copy of Sagittarius Rising, you'd better turn all the settings right down. Because IL-2 Sturmovik drops you right in at the deep end with a very realistic flight model.

The full monty's there from propeller pitch (the angle of attack of the propeller) through to blackouts and aircraft trim. It may be a flight sim addict's wet dream, but to the novice it's a total nightmare. Thankfully, if this is all too daunting, you can go into a sandbox mode where the plane virtually flies itself. As you gain a little more confidence, you canturn the realism settings up until the plane flies the same way a brick doesn't. Don't worry, it all comes with practice.

A Novice No More

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So let's assume you've mastered the basics: stick goes back -houses get smaller; stick goes forward - houses get bigger. You're then thrown into either a quick fix fight, or a full career ladder. The dogfight mode lets you pick up to 28 aircraft (12 enemy, and 15 friendly) and lets you duke it out in the sky. Or, if you want to practice your air-to-ground skills you can go tankbusting, bridge-breaking or just try to sink some of the local shipping. No mean feat as the enemy, unsportingly, tends to shoot back.

if you're into collecting medals, awards and generally being somebody's bish then the campaign mode is where you'll have the most fun. Starting off as a grunt and 'obayink orderz', you start off with a series of basic missions (take off, fly in a circle, shoot something and land) progressing in rank until you call the shots, leading your flight to certain doom against overwhelming odds (at least if you're playing the Germans).

But what sets this flight sim head and shoulders above the rest isn't just the unusual setting and aircraft. There are subtleties everywhere, which you're not really aware of but add one hundredfold to the atmospherics. As you sit on the airfield, you can just make out the sound of an air raid siren in a town a few miles away and as the sound drifts over, it's mixed with the sound of distant anti-aircraft fire. It feels like something out of a film. Even when you're in combat, you can hear the engines of other planes if you get too close and the chattering of machine guns when you're buzzing the troops. Utterly fantastic.The planes also damage in a very realistic manner. Gone are the old 'broken in a perfect line' models that every other flight sim has. Now propellers bend, bits fall off the wing (but you can still stay up) and fire has a terminal effect on your flying ability.


But while this is the best flight sim we've ever seen, it's not quite the Holy Grail. There are still many aircraft, which are in the game, but are non-flyable by humans. The German side only has the Me109 and Fw190 planes for human control. All the bombers are in drone mode only, and the legendary Met 10 is nowhere to be seen. While there is talk of an add-on pack to activate these aircraft in the future, for the here and now it just isn't happening.

The tutorials are also somewhat flawed. They start off talking you through the basics and telling you what to do, and it's only after five minutes of banging the keyboard and swearing that you realise that they are nothing more than film trailers using the game engine. Not interactive, and not usable. A bit of an own goal there.But these are tiny flaws in a jar of otherwise perfect aviation ointment. Not since Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe have the flight sim community got so worked up (and that was a classic). With the exception of WarBirds 3 (which still has a long way to go before it can be called anything other than public beta) there isn't a sim out there that comes close to IL-2 Sturmovik. If you only buy one flight sim in your life, then buy this. You know it makes sense.

Secrets Of The War

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As everyone knows Germany lost WWI. And WWII. And the 1966 World Cup. But stereotypical insults aside, the Nazi regime were a talented bunch when it came to the art of developing new weapons of war. The most ambitious of these was the proposed flying wing Amerika Bomber called the Ho XVIII B. It was estimated that the Ho XVIII would have a range of 11,000km (6,835 miles), a service ceiling of 16km (52,492 feet) a payload of 4,000lbs and a round-trip endurance of 27 hours. In addition, the thin design of the plane made it virtually invisible to enemy radar, so it could take off from Germany and fly undetected to Washington, drop its bombs and return to the Fatherland. And this was in 1944. Luckily for the Allies, the plane only made one test flight before the war ended. However, the plane may have gone but it wasn't forgotten. The only example of this aircraft lies at the Smithsonian Institute in America, and during the late 1980s a team from Lockheed paid a secret visit. It wasn't until the public saw the B-2 Stealth Bomber that its inspiration (and much of its design) became public knowledge. Imagine how the world would be today If the Stealth Bomber had flown in 1944.It nearly happened.

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